This massage increases local circulation which promotes much faster healing. Massages can be helpful before and after surgery, depending on the issue. More medical doctors are prescribing massage as a compliment to treatment. (Physician approval may be required). If your physical therapy insurance funds have ended, and you're looking for other alternatives, let's talk! We offer a massage that can help with your healing process including stretching, maintaining and increasing range of motion, and improved muscle hydration.
Schedule your appointment now.
Text or Call: 214-418-9818
All services can be performed at: By Appointment Only
6400 Monahans Court, Plano, TX 75023
On-site - in your home/office with a $25 local surcharge, plus mileage fee.
Any other agreed upon location (facility charge may apply, as well)
Travel and travel time are a consideration in pricing. I am licensed in the state of Texas, and located just north of Dallas in Plano, Texas. Servicing the local cities of Plano, Richardson, Allen, McKinney and Frisco.