When most people think about Deep Tissue Massage, they think about a painful massage that goes deep and hurts for days. That's not how we do Deep Tissue massage. We go deep but we do it gently and avoid ripping or tearing muscles. This means less pain during and after the massage. The massage takes longer but it it's worth it in the end.
Deep Tissue Massage helps relieve tight muscles, chronic muscle pain, and anxiety. During a deep tissue massage, slow strokes and deep finger pressure relieve tension from the deepest layers of your muscles and connective tissues. This often releases toxins that have been stored in your fat, muscles, and the lymphatic. For most clients, it's not as painful as you think it is...
Schedule your appointment now.
Text or Call: 214-418-9818
All services can be performed at: By Appointment Only
6400 Monahans Court, Plano, TX 75023
On-site - in your home/office with a $25 local surcharge, plus mileage fee.
Any other agreed upon location (facility charge may apply, as well)
Travel and travel time are a consideration in pricing. I am licensed in the state of Texas, and located just north of Dallas in Plano, Texas. Servicing the local cities of Plano, Richardson, Allen, McKinney and Frisco.